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lactic_acid pack

Regular price R$ 648,47 BRL
Regular price Sale price R$ 648,47 BRL
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Lactic is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that diminishes the cohesion of surface cells and subsequently, prevents the thickening of the horny layer. It contributes to control melanin synthesis and it’s effective in antiaging treatments, thus activating collagen and elastin production. 

Topical use.

Main characteristics & effects

It exfoliates the skin by breaking apart dead skin cells, allowing them to flake off the skin’s surface. It stimulates new skin cell production to replace these dead skin cells, keeping the skin turning over and helping to prevent clogged pores and acne.

Additional information

Product category: Professional
Main ingredients: Lactic acid 45%
lactic_acid (30ml)
post-peeling (50ml)
Routine step: Treatment
Frequency: 1 session every 2 weeks | 4-6 sessions recommended
Type of skin: Dry skin
Treatment area: Face
Recommended: Photo-aging, wrinkles, skin lightening, skin flaccidity


Apply after cleansing the skin.

Recommended maximum time of exposure: 5 minutes.

3 layers of peeling can be applied depending on skin reaction and patient sensibility. Neutralize with mccosmetics® post-peeling neutralizing spray and remove with cold water.

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