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prof. hair +

Regular price R$ 1.423,30 BRL
Regular price Sale price R$ 1.423,30 BRL
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Prof. hair + a powerful solution that prevents hair loss by stopping your body from converting testosterone into DHT.

Topical use.

Main characteristics & effects

5 alpha-reductase inhibitor. Inhibit the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone — the androgen that causes male pattern baldness

Additional information

Product category: Professional
Main Ingredients: Biotin, Dexpanthenol
Routine step: Treatment
Treatment area: Hair
Frequency: Once per week (approx. 6 - 10 sessions) Maintenance treatment: 1 session every 4-2 months
Recommended: Androgenic alopecia, male baldness


Suggestion 1: Alopecia
prof. fusion hair - Amount applied: 3cc
prof. hair + - Amount applied: 2 cc

Suggestion 2: Hair loss
prof. fusion hair - Amount applied: 2cc
prof. hair + - Amount applied: 1cc
prof. re-growth hair - Amount applied: 1cc

It can be used topically, transdermal with virtual mesotherapy (iontophoresis or electroporation), with RadioFrequency, ultrasound, with microneedling (dermapen or derma-Roller).

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