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prof. organic silicon

Regular price €70,21 EUR
Regular price Sale price €70,21 EUR
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The prof. organic silicon ampoules contain ingredients that have a smoothing and toning effect, delaying the skin aging process. This solution restores strength, flexibility and elasticity to the collagen and elastin of the connective tissues. It moisturizes and renews the cells providing firmness and tonicity.

Main characteristics & effects

It is the third most abundant trace element in the human body. It is important for the synthesis of collagen, to activate and improve skin strength and elasticity.

Additional information

Product category: Professional
Main ingredients: Methylsilanol Mannuronate 5%
Routine step: Treatment
Frequency: Every 2 weeks (approx. 5-10 sessions) Maintenance treatment: 1 session every 1-2 months
Treatment area: Face and body
Recommended: Regenerating, skin aging, stretch marks


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